Diaz Christmas Letter (for real)

Oh what an epic year it's been. Here's quick look back (including links to the year's blog posts!)...

JANUARY - We found out my growing belly held a baby boy. We celebrated 1 year home with Judah and Addise. On that same day, Brian ran his first half marathon while raising over $1000 to build clean water wells in Malawi.

FEBRUARY - Addise turned 2. Brian turned 33. Judah was potty trained in about 4 hours. Not exaggerating. Addise rebelled against our attempts in potty training her and preferred peeing on herself and sitting in her own stink. Potty training was actually a spiritual experience for April.

MARCH - We bought a minivan. That's all.

APRIL - Asher Zacarias's life was protected and he was miraculously born on the 23rd.

MAY - Judah had surgery about 10 days after Asher was born. Brian ran his second half marathon. Asher came home on Mother's Day. Priceless. Our family's story was featured in a new book for parents called Parenting is Wonder-FULL! We re-finalized Judah and Addise's adoption!!!

JUNE - Maternity leave continued. I have no idea what happened this month. #3kidsunder4years

JULY - We celebrated Judah's 4th birthday with a "bounce house" party with over 20 of his "United Nation" friends. Brian went on his annual pilgrimage to Comi-Con in San Diego with 150,000 of his closest friends. April had a work trip to Palm Springs which included all 3 kids, a husband, a mother, and 2 more grandparents. Yes, it takes a village to raise a child and be a working mom.

AUGUST - April turned 33 and went back to work full-time. Brian and April celebrated 11 years of partnership (aka marriage).

SEPTEMBER - Brian was laid off and becomes full-time stay-at-home dad. This is not a long-term solution as it's not good on anyone, including our pocketbook. Began potty training Addise. Key word: began. She's STILL working on mastering the technique of going #2 on the potty chair. We also were gifted with a fabulous week-long vacation to Palm Springs.

OCTOBER - Brian ran his third half marathon and ran from zombies through a 5K mud run. Not a clue what else happened in these 31 days, other than some fabulous Halloween costumes and excessive candy.

NOVEMBER - April spoke at an incredible youth worker's event in Atlanta on "Redefining the Role of the Youth Worker". It went so well "more" is in the works in 2013. We celebrated our first Thanksgiving as a family of five. Just the five of us. It was lovely. April also signed a contract to write a bunch of middle school and high school curriculum for Simply Youth Ministry. Brian began intense workouts 2 days/week at 5:45am in addition to his continuous training for half marathons. Why? I have no idea but he's getting buff. No complaints here.

DECEMBER - April made a last minute trip back to Illinois to grieve with her childhood best friend on her father's passing. During this visit, April was also able to introduce the littlest Diaz to more of her extended family - so awesome. Our family dedicated Asher at Newsong - beyond awesome.

The year also included about a bazillion hospital visits and doctor appointments for a pregnant momma, NICU baby, surgery for son #1, and general check-ups. Let's just say we hit our insurance out-of-pocket maximum. We also tried to hit up the "happiest place on earth" as often as possible thanks to annual passes. It's a family favorite all around!

As mentioned, what started as the first half marathon for Brian, turned into 2 more this year. And he's running the World Vision half marathon again in a few weeks. His goal is to raise $655 this year (about $50/per mile). We would love for you to support him as he runs for life!

The year also included 4 out of town visits from my mom (she just can't get enough of these babies!!!) and quick visits from Brian's parents, my grandparents, baby brother, dad.

Mostly, the year involved a LOT of growing. Of course, the 3 kiddos are growing at a rate that may eat us out of house and home. Brian and I can hardly handle the speed of their growth - physically, socially, verbally, and intellectually. But we've grown so much as parents, leaders, partners, and friends. In a year that involved essentially NO margins and sleep, we are more mature, more loving, more forgiving, and more sure of who we want to become as individuals and as a family.

Enjoy a few never-before-seen pics of our colorful crew...

Family Photo

He's so happy! (and doesn't my hair look good?!?!)

Father and Son

My one and only girl


Earlier this month I spoke at Newsong on WAITING for Advent. As I was preparing that message I was starkly reminded of the significance of this month. Four years ago we grieved the 6th failed fertility treatment of the year. Two years ago we longed to bring our kiddos home for Christmas, only to be delayed. December represents a lot of waiting for our family. But it also harkens back to the original longing as we wait for the world to be made right again through Jesus.

As the year winds to an end, LIFE is more precious than ever as so many grieve the death of those they love, whether through cancer or car accidents or school shootings. Whatever the state of your soul at the end of 2012, may your longing and waiting pull you a little closer to the One who came - in the most humble state - to bring you life and hope and healing.

With Love. Merry Christmas!
Brian, April, Judah (4), Addise (nearly 3) and Asher (8 months)


April L. Diaz

April has been a visionary activist her entire life. She has made it her mission to lead high performing teams and develop leaders in the margins of society while caring for our bodies, mind, and spirit. Secretly, she’s a mix of a total girly girl and a tomboy, and is still crazy about her high school sweetheart, Brian. Together, they co-parent 3 fabulous kiddos and live in Orange County, CA.

Meeting the Grands

Who heads to the desert in the middle of the summer with three little ones? We do! We spent the better part of a week in Palm Springs for a work conference for me and we were joined by some very special guests. My mom drove out with us to help with the kiddos and my grandparents flew into town to meet their newest great-grandchild and see their favorite Ethiopians. It was a priceless trip that still came with the cost of sacrifice.

Perhaps my favorite moment was when Granny and Gramps (my kids great-grandparents) walked into our hotel room for the first time. They busted in the door after bedtime and Judah and Addise giggled with delight while sprinting to give them hugs. THEY KNOW THEIR GRANDPARENTS! Judah and Addise know they are loved by them. It was a joyful reunion to say the least.

While I sat in an air conditioned conference room for work, my mom (sitting on the pool steps) played for hours with my kids in the pool.

Asher wearing Gramps' shirt from when he was a baby!!! This shirt is 80 years old and in pristine condition. Gramps held Asher for hours on end which made my heart glad.

Such a beautiful shirt in perfect condition! Thrilled we were able to capture this moment...(and that double chin)

My Granny with my son.

Three generations sitting on the couch. My grandparents are amazing grandparents. They take great delight in us and radically love on us.
(After a dozen attempts, we still couldn't get 6 smiles at the camera. Impossible.)


April L. Diaz

April has been a visionary activist her entire life. She has made it her mission to lead high performing teams and develop leaders in the margins of society while caring for our bodies, mind, and spirit. Secretly, she’s a mix of a total girly girl and a tomboy, and is still crazy about her high school sweetheart, Brian. Together, they co-parent 3 fabulous kiddos and live in Orange County, CA.

Ridiculous Realities

In the past 3 weeks since our world was turned upside down, there have been a handful of of ridiculous thoughts that have played over and over again in my head...

First and foremost, we have three kids! When and how did this happen!?!?! Brian and I never imagined to be a family of five. God must be chuckling.

We've gone from zero to three kids in 15 months. This is the most ridiculous. In a "normal" family (whatever that is) it's perfect spacing to have a 3.5 year old, 2 year old, and a newborn. But we've fast tracked this baby. In one friend's words, "You are the most efficient family growing couple I've ever met." Thanks? I have two friends who've been faster family builders - going from 0-3 kids in 6 months and 9 months, but this is insane in my world. How God thought that we can handle this is saying something.

Our third child will be the racial minority in our family. This cracks me up. Though Asher shares our DNA and will likely look like us (vote currently is he looks a whole lot like me), he will be the minority child in our brood. Oddly, this makes me smile and amuses me at how God's built our family. Who knows if there will even be more color in our future?!?! :)

Each of our three kids coming home has involved a fair amount of pain and drama. Judah and Addise's painful journey home was expected and the reason I started this blog. I was not expecting pain or drama surrounding Asher's birth and homecoming. But arriving 7 weeks early after a week of tests, blood work, de-cellerated heart rates, umbilical cord wound around his neck twice, sitting breech, and hospitalization creates some drama. I was expecting to calmly bring our third child into this world and sweetly introduce you all to him. But his birth was met with desperate prayers, continuous updates, and now nearly 3 weeks in the NICU without a firm date when he'll come home. Geez, we really know how to be dramatic.

As I've been pumping milk for Asher in the wee hours of the morning, a couple Scriptures have re-centered me and reminded me of what God's up to in our lives...

"We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps." Proverbs 16:9

 "Let me hear Your lovingkindness in the morning;
         For I trust in You;
         Teach me the way in which I should walk;
         For to You I lift up my soul." Psalm 143:8

Even in the midst of knowing my sweet boy won't be home for Mother's Day, I know deep in my soul that God writes the best story for my life.

Looking forward to seeing the story continue to be written...


April L. Diaz

April has been a visionary activist her entire life. She has made it her mission to lead high performing teams and develop leaders in the margins of society while caring for our bodies, mind, and spirit. Secretly, she’s a mix of a total girly girl and a tomboy, and is still crazy about her high school sweetheart, Brian. Together, they co-parent 3 fabulous kiddos and live in Orange County, CA.