Birthday Boy

I'm just gonna say what every other parent says on their child's birthday, "HOW IS MY SON 4 YEARS OLD?!?!" This birthday was like our first one with Judah because last July 8th he was barely speaking English and had no concept of birthdays. This year was a different story. I was a bit obsessive about building anticipation for his big day.

"Judah, what's coming up?" 
"How old are you going to be?"
"What are we doing for your birthday, buddy?"
"Do you want a party?"
"Is grandma coming here for your birthday?"
"Are you getting presents for your birthday?"

Brian got sick of it. I did not. To me, this was a birthday worth celebrating BIG. So we did for about 2 weeks.

The morning of his birthday, we burst into his room and I nearly yelled, "Judah, what's today?!?!" He bounced up on his bed and squealed, "MY BIRTHDAY! PRESENTS!!!!" Yes, buddy. Today's your day.

Lion King book from Uncle Matt and Aunt SB. He's a reader!

He's also a "watcher". This boy loves movies like his Daddy.

We celebrated his birthday at a bounce house with his friends a little belated so Grandma could be in town.
It was so fun to party with our diverse group of friends!!!
Judah had the time of his life.


My girl with my mom.

We had a sweet friend make 2 kinds of DELICIOUS and adorably decorated cupcakes.
We discovered a little too late that Judah ate the wrapper of half his
cupcake. Oops.

"Cheese!" With Daddy.

Our oreo sandwich. Judah's best friend, Cohen. He's logged a lot of hours with Cohen over the past year and a half.
This was their last time together since Coco's moving to Paris soon. Bittersweet part of his party.

The spoils. Judah was truly spoiled. Though I don't want my kids to be spoiled, this birthday felt "right" to shower him with gifts. It was an explosion of love on this little boy's life. He's never experienced something like this before now. So grateful for our friends for choosing thoughtful and fun gifts that he truly loves.
They know him.
That's the best part.

Addise couldn't quite understand why it wasn't her birthday too. :) Judah graciously shared the spotlight, because that's just who he is.

Heck ya! A Batman shirt with removable cape. SO COOL!

One gift was cooler than the next. He could hardly move from one gift to the next because he was so overwhelmed with each one.

Fishing pole for the pool. He's already been practicing a lot.

Thank you's have yet to be written but I've been non-stop grateful since his big day. Judah felt loved. He was celebrated. He was lavishly gifted. Most importantly, he was surrounded by friends and family who know him and love him.

Of course, I couldn't help but to think of the woman who gave him birth and gave him up. I silently spilled a few tears. Offered up a few prayers. Hoped that the God of all good and perfect gifts would continue making good things come from so much loss and pain.

Judah, you are my first born son. Your eyes speak a hundred thousand words in more animation and expression than your words can yet convey. You are kind. You are giving. You are a reader and a watcher. You are a great big brother to Addise and Asher. You are joy embodied. You have the most tender heart. You have a conscience that is enviable to most adults. You are smart as a whip. You are a deep observer and intense learner. You are a fighter. You are so sensitive. You are playful and silly. You love superheroes like your Daddy. You are uber-curious. You are my son and I love you beyond what you will ever comprehend. Happy birthday, Bugs.


April L. Diaz

April has been a visionary activist her entire life. She has made it her mission to lead high performing teams and develop leaders in the margins of society while caring for our bodies, mind, and spirit. Secretly, she’s a mix of a total girly girl and a tomboy, and is still crazy about her high school sweetheart, Brian. Together, they co-parent 3 fabulous kiddos and live in Orange County, CA.

Best Mother's Day in the History of the World

What could be better than spending Mother's Day with my mom, brunch on the beach, celebrating with my hubby and 2 first born Ethiopian babies, getting a pedicure with my momma, and the grand finale...bringing home my baby boy from the NICU?!?!? Absolutely nothing. The day was pure perfection.

My mom and daughter at brunch. Addise refused to say "cheese". She's two.
View from our table at brunch. You can get a sneak peak of the ocean in this shot.
Brian knows how to celebrate me. I'm a much better mom because of him. After brunch Brian had scheduled pedicures for mom and me. What a treat before we went to get Asher.
The ones who made me a mom.
The one who made this day supernatural. All I wanted for Mother's Day is for him to come home. Miraculously he did.
Leaving the hospital to bring home Asher Zacarias after 3 weeks in the NICU. He is a "blessing" and "God remembered" all our prayers, indeed. His name is truly prophetic!
Home at last. Snuggling with momma.

Another post will have to reveal Judah and Addise meeting Asher for the first time on Mother's Day. We caught the entire moment on video. For now, let me just say - they LOVE their baby brother. Of course they are learning to share mommy with this 5 pound-something little guy, but they think he's a keeper. They constantly want to kiss him wherever I'll allow, touch him, and "hold it, mommy". :) They are fascinated with his dinosaur cries, itty bitty booty, teeny hands. Today I asked Judah who Asher looks like and he confidently said "Addise". LOVE.

Mother's Day 2012 - a day to remember with deepest gratitude.

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April L. Diaz

April has been a visionary activist her entire life. She has made it her mission to lead high performing teams and develop leaders in the margins of society while caring for our bodies, mind, and spirit. Secretly, she’s a mix of a total girly girl and a tomboy, and is still crazy about her high school sweetheart, Brian. Together, they co-parent 3 fabulous kiddos and live in Orange County, CA.

Asher's Shower

Six days after Asher was born, I had my previously scheduled baby shower. My friends who threw the shower tried to convince me all week that we should postpone it. "You've just had major surgery!" "You need to rest!" "Let's postpone until Asher comes home!" I stayed the course and convinced them I could do it. I'm so glad I did. It was good for my soul to be with women who love me and my family. The shower took the sting out of Asher being in the NICU instead of my arms. And let's be honest, we needed the gifts to bring home Asher!!
I've had two of the most AMAZING baby showers in the last 18 months. At my last baby shower, I had just left Judah and Addise in Ethiopia and was a blubbering idiot at my shower. Then, at this shower I left Asher in the NICU. Geez. No more baby showers for me. These were two very emotional and non-traditional baby showers for me and my friends.

May the pictures can share the story of this incredible afternoon with my friends...

Cutest cake you ever did see!
Everything had a personal touch.
All the desserts were made by one of the girls on my team - a baker at heart!

Every guest made their own party favor - personalized bags with Asher's birth information. Every guest also signed a handmade guestbook, complete with their address (easy for thank you notes!). Finally, everyone wrote in a book with "mommy advice". These words were beyond general - they spoke into who I truly am and what I need to be a great mother. THANK YOU, RAI, for creating such meaningful, personalized items.
To say my friends are "generous" is just too flighty a word. Thankfully, they didn't make me open gifts at the shower. Afterward, I opened gifts for two days.
Maybe the best part of my shower: my daughter and my mom were there. My mom flew into town just a few hours before the shower. A dream come true to have her there.

She who walks with the wise grows wise (Proverbs). These are some amazing women in my life. Over the past 7+ years these women have spoken into my life, walked with me, and transformed me.
No caption can capture her beauty or personhood. Loved having my daughter with me at this shower. To say she was given too much sugar by all her aunties is an understatement.
Adorable clothes line of baby clothes. The preemie clothes look like doll clothes. The great attention to detail and thoughtful, meaningful interactions blew my mind!
Every guest spoke a prayer and word of blessing for Asher and me. The white beads are for Asher's birth month (diamonds) and the green beads for mine (peridot). They were all strung on to a necklace for me. Beyond amazing!
The icing on the cake: Carol (in above necklace picture) secretly talked with my mom who wrote me a two page letter of blessing and wisdom. Yes, I cried.
Most of the women who showered us with love. Massive love and thanks to Rai, Carol, Sookyung for hosting this lavish affair. Though I still look 9 months pregnant here, I had to post this picture of my beautiful community.

I left full and exhausted. What a day. It truly takes a village and this village is a keeper. Much love and thanks to my community for showering us with love.


April L. Diaz

April has been a visionary activist her entire life. She has made it her mission to lead high performing teams and develop leaders in the margins of society while caring for our bodies, mind, and spirit. Secretly, she’s a mix of a total girly girl and a tomboy, and is still crazy about her high school sweetheart, Brian. Together, they co-parent 3 fabulous kiddos and live in Orange County, CA.