Struggling to see your goals become reality? Feeling stuck? Not sure your best way forward?

The Global Fringe has a specific focus this season: Determine what you want. Then, define reality, design the plan, + do the work. Each episode features voices from the fringe who are living + leading toward fullness of life. I set the direction in this first teaser episode.The voices on the fringe of culture are the ones we need to be paying attention to the most. They are the ones shaping faith, culture, + community in ways that will lead us into the future. This podcast is a powerful way to connect you to those who are changing the world from the margins of culture. 

DREAM BIG. DO THE WORK. Season 2 begins with this mini-episode. You’ll get a teaser for the focus on this season. You’ll hear more stories from leaders on the fringe of culture showing us how to define reality, design a life we love, + do the work required to get us from here to there. Start dreaming! We’ve got amazing work to do together this season.

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EPISODE 19: Albert Tate
Define Me With You”

Albert is respected as the lead pastor of one of the fastest-growing multiethnic churches in the United States, but this is not an interview of the shiny “successful” version of Albert.

I don’t care so much that he’s spoken on ginormous stages, had the ear of “influential” leaders, or contributes to important Boards. This conversation is about what’s the benefit if you gain the whole world and lose your soul. Leaders need to first define reality of their own soul, life, and wellness. As we define reality for ourselves first, it must extend to those they lead. Albert’s own internal journey lead him to leave what’s safe for a vision that compelled him toward more.

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Jennifer Guerra Aldana - The Global Fringe Podcast

EPISODE 20: Jennifer Guerra Aldana
Define Where You’re From”

Jenn Guerra has defined her present reality by living into the history of those who’ve gone before her. An Guatemalan immigrant to the U.S., a daughter of church planters, a bilingual pastor + intercultural leader today, she’s discovered the “beauty of particularity” in her story as she’s connected herself to the bigger story of where she comes from. We discuss the two questions you must answer completely if you’re going to live your life in all its fullness. She both code-switches + speaks prophetically for white people about how our privilege + place impact our ability to answer those questions. With passion + conviction, Jenn leads us into a deeper understanding of what faithfulness looks when you define who you are and where you’re from.

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  • Facebook: Jennifer Guerra Aldana

EPISODE 21: Daniel “DK” Kim
Define the Lack of Diversity”

The Global Fringe - Daniel DK Kim

Fifty years ago Dr. King said America’s most segregated Christian hour in the week is Sunday morning. It’s 2019 and we have not come far enough. DK is a pastor who’s lead worship at two influential churches in the U.S., and has experienced being a leader on the fringe in a dominant white space. His immigrant family’s story alongside his international leadership journey has given him a unique global perspective. With a provocative voice with a commitment to building bridges from the dominant white space to the marginalized, DK pulls back the proverbial curtain around why there’s a lack of diversity in churches, what to do about it, and the ONE THING he’d tell leaders you need to do if you want to build more inclusive teams. A solid mixture of leadership challenge, practical personal ideas, and sharing our own friendship story, this episode will push any thoughtful leader or church to better reflect the image and nature of God in their context.

Check out the diverse team DK leads at Mariners Worship on iTunes/Spotify, particularly the album "A Death Like His", re-imagined songs for the lent journey.

Follow Here:

  • Twitter: @dkdanielkim

  • Instagram: @dkdanielkim

EPISODE 22: Elle Campbell
Design a Life that Elevates Others”

Elle Campbell - The Global Fringe Podcast

When is it time to quit your safe, full time job to design a life you love? Elle Campbell did exactly that when she was only 29 years old. For years she and her husband, Kenny, cultivated a side hustle called “Stuff You Can Use”, a youth ministry resource company. But 2 years ago she knew it was time to pivot. They both quit their jobs on the same day and pivoted to build their company full-time. While their company isn’t an overnight success, it is now a multi-million dollar company that at the heart values elevating the voices of women and people of color on every level. Elle uses her creative energy to help others share their gifts with the world and live their dreams. Elle is relentlessly happy and easy going, but it’s her own marginalized experiences she strategically harnesses to create equality and show generosity for leaders globally.

Follow “Stuff You Can Use” on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter

EPISODE 23: Nancy Ortberg
Design a Life of Self-Aware Leadership”


Nancy is a world-class leader because she excels in two critical areas: self-awareness and developing teams. If you’re going to DESIGN a life of meaning and fullness, you need to know yourself and you need a team. No one is self-made and no one can do it alone. Nancy believes leaders need to be the most self-aware people in the room. When they’re not, damage is done. In this episode we talk about what self-leadership is, practices every leader needs to cultivate, and how to have a growing and grounded awareness in our life. We also discuss the essence of team, how to build a great one, and what the greatest team-breaker is. Nancy will leave you wanting more, which is exactly what’s necessary when you design a life of self-aware leadership.


EPISODE 24: Brooklyn Lindsey
Design Your Life After Disruption”

Brooklyn Lindsey - The Global Fringe Podcast

Let’s talk about set backs and detours.Sometimes even when you intentionally design your life, life happens and you have to first deconstruct and tear down what you've built up until now. What must you do when you’ve had a disruption in your life – like getting fired, being diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, or walking away from an unhealthy job? Brooklyn has had to do this at multiple points throughout her life. She’s learned how to course correct so she can live freely. And you can too. In this episode she talks about the non-negotiables in designing a life that’s fully you. She vulnerably shares about depression, isolation, suffering, and stuckness, not as an end but as a pivot point to move forward. When disruption happens, what got you here won’t get you there and Brooklyn offers specific ideas and holy hope for all of us.

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EPISODE 25: Mindy Caliguire
Design Your Soul’s Care”

Mindy Caliguire - The Global Fringe Podcast

Self-reliance. Narcissism. Striving. Overwhelmed. Powering up. Pushing through. These are all words sometimes used to describe leaders. Leaders on the fringe desperately need to design soul care rhythms, postures, and practices in order to lead from a different place. It is possible to learn the unforced rhythms of grace and find rest for your soul. As a spiritual formation and soul care expert, Mindy Caliguire has experienced both ways of life and has some serious practical wisdom if you want to design a life of wholeness and thriving. In this episode she talks about the difference between self-care and soul care, and what practices leaders need to be healthy. She identifies the #1 problem for leaders and confronts the narcissism we see in spiritual leaders today. We talk about the “Popeye arm” and what’s necessary to develop soul-saving muscles for the long game.

Follow Here: Subscribe to get occasional bursts of inspiration, and a year-long series to support your intentional Soul Care journey.

Purchase Mindy’s books with my Amazon affiliate link.

Goodie Goodloe - The Global Fringe

EPISODE 26: Dr. Marcus “Goodie” Goodloe
Do the H.A.B.I.T.S.”

What got you here won’t get you there. Disruptions and shifts are common for leaders and people committed to their own growth. But, if you’re going to get to where you want to go, you need H.A.B.I.T.S. You need new practices and rhythms to make room for growth in your life. Willpower, goals, and good intentions aren’t good enough. Yet there’s solace as we grow because as Dr. Goodloe says, “We are all hypocrites in transition. Beneath the beauty, there’s brokenness.” Paying attention to the broken can guide you to toward better ways to do your work. In this episode we also talk about how Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a fringe leader who did a couple crucial practices to keep his soul and leadership well. If you’re going to design a life you love, you need to do the work that will get you where you want to go.

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Purchase Goodie’s H.A.B.I.T.S. book with my Amazon affiliate link.

Tara Russell - The Global Fringe

EPISODE 27: Tara Russell
Do the Inner Work”

As one of the most successful social entrepreneurs on the planet, Tara knows the best work leaders can do is their inner work. Five years ago, she began an unwelcomed, “unraveling” journey that led to uncovering deep pain, and yet, the unraveling kept inviting her into freedom. During this pattern interruption, she noticed things that weren’t working for her and began integrating her life – especially her body – in new ways. In this episode, Tara gets vulnerable about how she’s reclaiming her story as a step toward wholeness and models how clarity, courage, and conviction leads us toward our best life. As she’s done the faithful, inner work, she shows how abundance is surrounding us if we will simply shift our mindset.

Follow Here: @taravrussell

EPISODE 28: Jeremy Del Rio
Do the Work of a Treasure Hunter”

Jeremy Del Rio on The Global Fringe Podcast

When you’re a high performing leader contributing important work, doing what matters internally and in your work matters a great day. Leaders, activists, and helpers are known for getting things done, but doing the internal work so you can sustain the external work is vital to lead with wholeness. Jeremy Del Rio is a failed youth pastor, former lawyer, and current Founding Executive Director of the Thrive Collective in New York City. In 1998 as a 21-year old, he took on Mayor Rudy Guiliani as he battled for the educational rights of kids in his community. For the last 20+ years, Jeremy has been listening to the needs of his community, creating a plan, and doing the hard work to design a new future for the under-resourced in NYC. This episode will enlarge your heart and give you hope for sustainable leadership, even in hard places. BONUS: If you need a simple but effective evaluative tool to measure how you’re doing, ask: “What’s right? What’s wrong? What’s confusing? What’s missing?”

Support the Thrive Collective Here:

Follow Here:

  • Facebook: Jeremy Del Rio

  • Instagram: @jeremyrdelrio

We’re wrapping up Season 2 with this special episode! Season 2 has been focused around the big idea: DREAM BIG; DO THE WORK. At the end of the episode April also personally answers the three questions she's asked every guest this season.

Chances are, if you've been paying attention and have leaned into this season, it's provoked a realization that you are not where you want to be. That self-awareness is a great first step. But self-awareness can create the illusion of transformation. Knowing something to be true about yourself doesn't actually change that truth. 

In this season’s final episode, I share three transformational resource ideas to help you move from where you are to where you want to be. Find out more about them and register below:

Finally, if you've benefitted from "The Global Fringe" this season and you'd like to support the ongoing effort to produce this podcast, we'd so appreciate you become a patron on Patreon:

We’ll see you next season!

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This Podcast wouldn’t be possible without this stellar team:

The Global Fringe is produced and edited by the brilliant work of TruthWork Media. I love this company because they believe "everyone has a story, yours needs a podcast".

Michael Fukuda - The Global Fringe

Michael Fukuda

Content Editor

Amber Gaddis - The Global Fringe

Amber Gaddis

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